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{recap} Wardrobe Update - April

  Friday, May 6, 2022 at 7:30 AM   |    Post a Comment     Tagged:,,, 

I bought some new sneakers for going on walks this Summer and for our Disney trip in September. We'll (hopefully) be doing the Wild Africa Trek safari at Animal Kingdom so I'll need some good sneakers for that. We were supposed to do it in May 2020 but Covid ruined that whole trip. Now we'll be doing it for our anniversary, assuming I can get us 2 spots when the 60 day window for booking opens up in July! But back to the shoes - I had a $30 off $49 coupon AND my yearly $10 reward so that brought them to $26, can't beat that!

THE (modified) RULES

  1. Be mindful of purchases 
  2. Quality over quantity
  3. Basics are best





  1. None yet

  1. mīere the label "Frankie" knit sweater in Faded Black ($56.92, $32.15 if we omit shipping)



  1. None yet


  1. None yet


  1. None yet



  1. *NEW!* Ryka "Belong" Walking Shoe in Plum Red/Burgundy via DSW ($26.58, $79.99 retail)


Gifted from Brands:


Spent in April: $26.58

Spent in 2022: $83.50

About Closet Fashionista

Loves to get bargains on clothes and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Disney. By day she is a freelance graphic and web designer. She also has a slight obsession with movies.

You can also find her on the web at her Harry Potter and Matthew Lewis fan sites.


  1. I love the colour and it's great you scored these at such a bargain price too! Looks like a really practical purchase :)

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue


  2. Great color!
    Thanks and keep sharing great content.

    Alexandra - Necklace Trends For Fashion Girls


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