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{food} What I've Been Baking - Part 4

  Monday, January 4, 2021 at 7:30 AM   |    Post a Comment     Tagged:, 

Time for part 4 of my baking escapades! This only covers through Thanksgiving so I'll share my "holiday" bakes later. Sadly I didn't make much over the holidays, must have been burnout. Have you been trying any new recipes (baked or non) lately? Or maybe you've tried takeout at some local restaurants you hadn't tried before to help the local economy?

Chocolate Coconut Blondies

This might be the favorite recipe discovered during quarantine. I tried it to make use of some coconut I wanted to finish up and after I made it I bought 2 more bags so I could make them again and again! Christian is obsessed as well. I'm not usually a blondie fan but I think the fact that it's chocolate, coconut and a perfect mix of crispy and gooey converted me. We use all different sized chocolate chips so it adds even more texture. Make these, you won't regret it.


2-Hour No Knead Bread

This is becoming a weekly staple in the house. Christian is working from home for a few months (hopefully longer) he doesn't need regular sandwich bread so I switched over to this crusty no-knead bread to have with fried eggs. It's super simple and easy! You'll need a dutch oven to cook it but it's very simple.


Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I had never made cookies with browned butter before. I didn't know what I was missing! These are SO GOOD. I only made half the recipe when I made them because it used a lot of butter and I didn't want to waste it if I didn't like them. Next time I'll be baking a full batch - and buying some chocolate wafers to get even more melty chocolate (we used chocolate chips and chunks since we had them on hand.)


Easy Baked Glazed Chocolate Donuts

I was always afraid of making donuts. Just like with bagels they seemed too hard. I started my donut journey by trying out a simple baked chocolate donut. They came out really good except for our icing job, we need to figure out the right consistency. Maybe next time I'll be brave and try FRIED donuts. I'm also going to try these Cinnamon Braided Donuts very soon (maybe even before this post goes live.)


Easy Lavender Shortbread Cookies

Christian grew lavender in our garden this year and I decided I should try cooking and/or baking with it. I searched for an easy recipe to do and came upon these shortbread cookies. The texture is amazing! Some bites were a little too perfumey for me but overall these were a nice change from my usual chocolate desserts! And they're pretty. 


Mini Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Skillet Cookies

Pretty basic oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies. I didn't have the right size mini cast iron skillet for these and they were annoying to clean so I probably won't remake these as the baker says they won't cook the same if they aren't in a skillet. But they were tasty!


And of course we have remade some of our favorite recipes as well.


Pizza Express Dough Balls and Homemade Pizza with King Arthur Flour pizza crust recipe

 Two easy things we've remade a bunch of times. The dough balls are super easy (I just need to get better at cutting them) and I'm getting better at the pizza crust recipe. Sometimes I stretch it too much and it gets too thin, whoops! 


We pair the dough balls with garlic butter or - even better - with our favorite pesto from the local farmer's market! If you're in Connecticut see if they sell near you! It's $8 but well worth it! 


Pizza is similar, we LOVE making a chicken pesto pizza (but I'll also settle for pepperoni!) This time we topped with chicken, pesto,  caramelized onions, sweet piquante peppers and pepperoncini peppers (Christian's half.) Delish!

About Closet Fashionista

Loves to get bargains on clothes and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Disney. By day she is a freelance graphic and web designer. She also has a slight obsession with movies.

You can also find her on the web at her Harry Potter and Matthew Lewis fan sites.


  1. These all look so amazing - I can never seem to execute things well when it comes to baking but you clearly have some skills!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. I love all the chocolate treats! I'm not good at any kind of cooking or baking but when I make something with chocolate chips it always turns out okay because chocolate, haha! :)

    Hope you are having a great week and enjoying 2021 so far :)

    Away From Blue

  3. Your bread looks so good! Love all your baking. Also how about a combination of brown butter cookies and blondies =
    these were yummy!

    1. Ooh! I was going to make the blondies this weekend but maybe I'll try this recipe instead!

  4. You're killing me with this post - the blondies look amazing and the lavender cookies are calling out my name.

  5. You make my mouth water! These treats are to die for!

  6. Everything here looks and sounds amazing! I am especially partial to the chocolate coconut brownies and the skillet cookies! I really want to try making bread but am always so intimidated by the process! Maybe I'll have to try out this no-knead bread.


  7. Everything looks yum, especially the Chocolate Coconut Blondies!


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