Monday, September 17, 2018

{outfit} Early Transitioning

In case you didn't notice...I got my hair cut! Both the fiancé and I went to get our hair cleaned up last Wednesday to prepare for our big day. We were originally supposed to get it cut the Thursday before that but there was a bit of a problem.

Our appointments were for 3pm, we showed up at the salon and the doors were locked. We went back to the car and tried to call, no answer. A few minutes later an old lady walked to the salon and got in so we quickly ran in and followed her. Turns out the place SHUT DOWN and they didn't bother to call people that had appointments. So we tracked down the girl that does our hair and found her new salon and made new appointments. What a production!

I get my haircut about once a year, I think my last cut was in June or July of 2017. I just hate paying for haircuts since I don't do much with my hair so I just let it grow out and then chop it off and start the process again, haha!

Cardigan: Banana Republic Italian Cashmere-Blend Boyfriend Cardigan, Floral Camisole: eight sixty, Corduroy Pants: Abercrombie & Fitch, Studded Suede Velvet Floral Embroidered Mules: Zigi Soho (T.J. Maxx), Sunglasses: Chanel


  1. It's such a good cut on you! I usually get mine cut a few times a year and I hate even that but it starts growing all weird after a few months and gets very thin on the sides but overly dense in the back and it starts looking like I have a lampshade on my head if I don't go in every 3-4 months and get the back thinned out....

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. I love the cut, and that is so rude of the salon to just lock the doors and not even give their stylists client information so they could reach out!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. The new shorter do looks so good, glad you went for it! And love that top so much too!! xo

  4. Beautiful cami top! So rude of them to just shut down and not say anything about it though, especially after you had an appointment! Glad after it all you managed to get your hair cut in the end :)

    Hope you're having a good week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  5. That cami is so pretty! Great way to style it for fall!

    District of Chic

  6. Cut looks gorgeous!!! Something happened similar to me too, my massage place shut down and we had no clue!

  7. So weird that they never called you to tell you that the place shut down!! Glad you figured it out - and your hair looks soooo cute!!

  8. LOVE this look. Also if your hair is that naturally straight, I'm very jealous. Mine is a frizz ball that needs constant blow outs.

  9. Your hair looks gorgeous girl! I love the length!

  10. Love the hair cut! I recently cut mine too, gets some getting used to but it’s working well �� the outfit is also super cute, loving the top!

  11. Great hair and cut and I love those shoes!!!

  12. I love a good cardigan. Perfect for fall transitioning weather.

  13. I would have freaked out - thankfully you're doing things with enough time and you were able to track her down. Hair looks great ;)

  14. That's so crazy that they wouldn't even give the clients a heads-up! I guess that's a tell-tale sign something was off and they closed down! I'm glad you tracked down your stylist though.

    I love the corduroy bottoms!
