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{outfit} My Favorite Dress

  Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 7:30 AM   |    Post a Comment     Tagged:,,,,,,,, 
Here's what I wore for our second Easter celebration. This dress is definitely in my top 3 of all my dresses. I just love the whimsical print and the fitted top. I wore it SOOO many times the first year I bought it and have slowed down it's wears the past few years. But I think this Spring/Summer I'm going to bring it out some more. It has made some memorable trips with me though. It came to the Press Preview of Diagon Alley at Universal Orlando, on a trip to Paris a couple years ago and to Italy last May. Who knows where it will go next!

You also get a lot of detail shots today because my photographer was feeling ambitious and it was actually warm enough to spend more than 5 minutes outside. Special appearance by my sister's dog, Teddy! Such a cutie! (He's a Shiba Inu for those curious folk)

Paris Map Dress: Carven (YOOX), Blazer: Gap, Sandals: Cole Haan 'Minetta' (Amazon), Sunglasses: Chanel (bought in Greece), Necklace: BubuRuby, Rings: Lumo 'Violet', Mejuri 'Stellar', Moon Magic 'Eclipse', Moon Magic 'Petite Double', vintage

About Closet Fashionista

Loves to get bargains on clothes and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Disney. By day she is a freelance graphic and web designer. She also has a slight obsession with movies.

You can also find her on the web at her Harry Potter and Matthew Lewis fan sites.


  1. Those shoes are to die for! love the details

  2. such a cute outfit!! LOVING those heels (and the super cute pup!). xo

  3. I LOVE that gorgeous purple and all your whimsical details!! You have such lovely style!


  4. Oooh love the purple shades! And your owl ring is awesome.

  5. It's good to have a piece you can keep reaching for, and I love that the multicolored print opens the dress up to many different accessory combinations.
    Chic on the Cheap

  6. Looks like such a fun, versatile dress!

  7. That's such a cute dress, I like the velvet blazer with it! :)

    Nice to see that it's warming up for you too! :)

    Hope you are having a great week so far! It's been a little rainy here but not too cold so I'm still enjoying wearing shorts, haha! Such a strange autumn!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  8. That dress is sooo cute! I love how the blazer and shoes bring out the details of the dress. Having a dress that you can use for multiple occasions is a must have!

  9. Such a BEAUTIFUL dress! And those shoes are just awesome. -Caitlin Houston

  10. I love the purple accessories-they really pop against the dress! And your rings are amazing-that little mickey one is too cute!!

  11. You look spectacular M ! That Carven map dress is also a favourite of mine..


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