Friday, June 16, 2017

{photo diary} So Much Roma, So Little Time-A

We've finally made it to my last Italy post. Are you tired of it yet?!  Here are just a few of my remaining photos from Rome that I didn't use in yesterday's guide.


  1. Oh the centurions were interesting! This is a timely post too given how my parents were just saying they hadn't been to Rome and would like to go - will send my mum the link to this post and your Rome guide! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend ahead of you! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. I'm not sure I could ever get sick of photos of Italy!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. I love Rome - like walking into a history book! What an amazing experience!

    District of Chic

  4. oh I love Roma, can't get enough of your shots. I've been there twice and actually want to come again. Summer and winter it was I wonder how it feels there is the mid season

    Inside and Outside Blog

  5. Rome looks absolutely stunning. I've never been but hope to visit someday!

    Jessica |

  6. That shot with those ominous clouds is outstanding!
    Chic on the Cheap
