Tuesday, March 14, 2017

{outfit} Semi-Professional

Last Friday I had to go to jury duty. It was also a snowy day and I'm not a huge fan of where the court is so that made it extra annoying. But sometimes it's nice to just sit and read all day. I made some good progress on finishing Return of the King, which I've been reading for far too long, ha ha. I thought it was a good opportunity to wear one of my more professional blazers since I rarely have occasion to wear them anymore.

Sweater: Everlane, Blazer: Brooks Brothers (Roundabout Resale), Jeans: Free People, Boots: Eighteen 68 'Megan' (Gilt), Necklace: Mom's


  1. I've never been called for jury duty but I like to think I'd make myself look as polished as you for it. And it's funny that you mentioned The Return of the King because I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to reread all that trilogy.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. I really like the burgundy jacket with the jeans! :) It's good you got to enjoy your reading time! I've been called up for jury duty twice, ugh. I don't know why I got called so much, very few people I know have been asked twice! I was on a high risk project first time and so work wrote me a note, and then a couple years later I was asked again but got out of it being pregnant and not being able to commit to the whole possible time period. If I get asked again in just a few years I'll probably cry! They need to ask someone else for a change!

    Hope you are having a great start to the week!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  3. Friday's snow wasn't so bad, the roads were all fine...today on the other hand.... I haven't been wearing my blazers much lately either, which is a shame since they do make even a simple look so polished!
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. Jury duty is the worst! Although I guess hanging out and reading isn't so bad, as you say. And love the business casual look!
    I hope today you can stay home! This blizzard is crazy.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. You look so nice ! and more professional than semi ;)

  6. absolutely love that blazer, nice look!



  7. Great look for a semi-annoying task. I really love those boots!

    District of Chic

  8. Ugh, jury duty! At least you got some good reading done! I love this blazer!

    By Lauren M
