Tuesday, February 28, 2017

{recap} Wardrobe Update - February

I'm writing this post on Saturday the 25th, so hopefully nothing changes over the next 3 days. I've successfully gone the full month without buying any clothes or accessories!! I had done it a few months last year as well but that always included purchases made with advertising money or gift cards. This month it was absolutely nothing!

I'm currently saving up for a trip to Italy this May , so any money I don't spend on clothes is put away into my vacation Capital One 360 account.  I will attempt to behave in March as well but I am on the hunt for silver shoes for my cousin's wedding in April (I'm in the bridal party.) I also have a gift card to J Crew that's been burning a hole in my pocket for a while.

THE (modified) RULES
  1. Be mindful of purchases 
  2. Quality over quantity
  3. Basics are best

  1. She Made Me Essential crocheted cotton swimsuit via Net-a-Porter sale ($45, retail $150, used Christmas money)
  1. Calypso St. Barth Gylden Cashmere Sweater via Gilt ($71, $295 retail, used Christmas money)
  2. M.i.h Jeans Tomboy cropped mid-rise skinny jeans via Net-a-Porter sale ($98, retail $245, used Christmas money)
  1. Miu Miu ankle boots via Roundabout Resale - also here, here, here and here ($146, retail $850)

Gifted from Brands:

Total spent in 2017:  $146
Total spent with Christmas money included: $360


  1. A trip to Italy sounds so fun! It sounds like you're right on track with your spending!

    By Lauren M

  2. if you come to milan send me an mail..I'd love to meet you! After years of blogging

  3. You were so minimal this month, bravo! Worth it to save for Italy. Best pizza I've ever tasted :)
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  4. A trip to Italy is very good motivation. And Oh yeah I forgot about that J.Crew gift card! We should plan a trip sometime in the not too distant future. Of course whenever we go places to try and spend our gift cards we never find anything though...Congrats on a month of no shopping!
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. You always snag the best deals! What great finds!

    District of Chic

  6. Travel is the best investment you can make - and I think you're doing quite well :)
