Friday, February 10, 2017

{photo diary} Celebration of Harry Potter: Part 2

Let part 2 of my photo diary commence! Here's the rest of what I got up to on my Potter filled trip. As usual I took hundreds of photos so I had to narrow down quite a bit.

Let's Go!
Cabana Bay hotel is 60s themed, super fun!!
Portofino Bay hotel is modeled after Italy
On the boat to CityWalk from Portofino Bay Hotel
Stole Matt's seat after the press conference was over
Getting some drinks at The Hog's Head in Hogsmeade
Lunch in The Leaky Cauldron at Diagon Alley
Exchanging our muggle money for Galleons at the Gringotts Money Exchange
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The namesake of my Harry Potter fan site
Playing LEGO Dimensions at the Harry Potter Expo
Having some issues playing Harry Potter trivia with Audible
Representing my Hogwarts houses at the Cursed Child booth
The most magical number
Wise words from Remy at Disney Springs


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely trip, and had a lot of fun! And even a cold Florida is better than a cold CT, right?

  2. I need to take my little guy here! It looks incredible!

    District of Chic
