Thursday, November 10, 2016

{throwback outfit} Revisiting October 29 2013

I really need to get rid of this sweater but I can't bring myself to do it! The unique shape (half turtleneck, 3/4 sleeve and a little loose in the under-arm area) just makes it so fun. It's just REALLY itchy so I regret having it on after a couple hours...maybe I'll let it go after this Winter. I don't have the cute owl necklace anymore (it broke) so I substituted in R2D2! You can always use a little geek chic in your looks, right?

I almost feel bad for being excited for the New York trip I'm currently on. Every now and then I get waves of sadness remembering what happened early Wednesday morning.  I'm still reeling from the results of the election but am trying to make sense of it all. America as we know it will be different as of January 20th. It's changing already. Many of my friends fear for their safety because of the color of their skin, religious beliefs or who they love. It makes me incredibly sad and I can't really put it into words. So all I'll say for now is, we need to fight harder than ever for our rights and stay strong. 

Sweater: Zara, Skirt: Siena Style (Coco's $10 sale), Leopard Sandals: Miu Miu (eBay), Tights c/o Wolford

The Original:


  1. I seriously think I might be in a mild state of shock still. That and I get these waves of bitter feelings of grief and disappointment and I've cried more than a few times. Ugh.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Omg this outfit is amazing, love the leopard print!

  3. I think you should just layer a thin shirt under the sweater and then the itchiness won't bother you anymore!

    And that leather skirt is such a star.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. I second Lydia's comment - what about a thin layer underneath to help stop the itching? As it's a lovely knit!

    The election result was a bit of a shock here too!

    Hope you're enjoying New York otherwise.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  5. Don't ! it looks really good, the entire outfit is beautiful M.
    Maybe if you wear it with a cotton long sleeve tshirt underneath it will be more wearable.. ?
