Friday, March 18, 2016

{photo diary} Visiting Washington DC

Get ready for a photo overload! I narrowed down quite a bit, but I always take and love too many photos. Plus I can't not share a picture of the White House, right? Most of these are in order, except the White House because I wanted that to be first! I spared you my boring museum photos.
The White House - definitely smaller than you'd think (just like the Mona Lisa)

United States Capitol Building

Flags surrounding the Washington Monument

Washington Monument (with snazzy Snapchat filter)

A fun wall at Plan B Burger

They had rosemary fries as part of the specials, DELISH!

Zootopia was amazing and everyone needs to go see it! Was way funnier (and socially important) than I thought it would be

The AMAZING chicken & waffles from Founding Farmers

Kind of fell in love with the Eisenhower Executive Office Building

At the World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

Snazzy shoes! (minus one pair not in the photo)

Lincoln Memorial

My friend Kristen taking a photo!

Washington Monument

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

Drunken noodles before heading to the zoo!

Washington National Cathedral


One of the beautiful buildings at Georgetown University

On Theodore Roosevelt Island

Iwo Jima Memorial (we have a replica of this near where I went to school)

*Download an agenda of my day of sightseeing in Washington DC


  1. Oooh, you got so many lovely shots! And isn't the Eisenhower building lovely?

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Ahhh so many wonderful sights to see! And those drunken noodles (that's interesting, why are they called that?) look impeccable!

  3. Haha. "Photo overload". All photos were amazing though,
    so thanks for overloading.
    I wanna watch Zootopia so badly. Haha.
    Hope you enjoyed DC!

    Much love

  4. You got so many great photos! The food looks delicious sister's been to Washington DC but didn't see nearly as much as you! I think she was only there for a short while, as she didn't have photos of everything you have here.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  5. It's so fun to take in all the sights,and how delightful that you got to see some cherry blossoms in bloom! My favorite trees ever.
    Chic on the Cheap

  6. For me, being there was like being in a movie set ! I'd "seen" it all but was actually there!

  7. Your pictures are lovely! They are all great!

  8. DC is one of my favorite cities! It looks like had a lovely time!
