Thursday, March 17, 2016

{photo diary} Visiting the Smithsonian Zoo

Now that outfit photos are done it's time for touristy shots. Aren't you guys excited?  I fit a lot into 4 days so there are a ton of photos to share! I took way too many at the zoo so I'm separating my photos into zoo photos and regular photos. Today is zoo day!


  1. As much as I adore nature I have stopped going to zoos. I feel so terribly bad for the animals.

  2. You got some great photos! I'd love to see a panda up close, we don't have pandas here in any of the zoos. Our closet zoo is quite a while away so we don't go often enough. And we haven't taken the toddler there yet as it's an open air zoo with huge animal enclosures, it would just be too much walking for him!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  3. So many beautiful animals. The pandas are adorable.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. So fun!! I just went to the wild animal park in SD a few weekends ago, it was really fun! That panda looks like he is having fun!

    XO Chelsea
