Thursday, November 12, 2015

{throwback outfit} Revisiting October 30 2013

Welcome to the second week of throwback outfits! This outfit is one of my favorites and I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's the hints of turquoise throughout.  Maybe it's the fact that it's my uniform. Either way I was happy to rewear this! I still have every single piece of this outfit so I wore it exactly the same way, no changes. I did misplace the watch, but it's somewhere in the house...probably tucked away in a bag somewhere.

Sweater: Banana Republic, Jeans: Genetic Denim c/o Piperlime, Heels: Lanvin (Rounabout Resale), Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs (Saks Friends & Family Sale), Rings: vintage & Mom's

And the original:


  1. This would be difficult for me to do… with so many closet edits and the mix of old and new it would be hard to have all the same exact pieces to rewear. I do like your look and agree on those pretty turquoise accents.

  2. I really appreciate the turquoise highlights - they are totally working!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. Those jeans are so fun! I love the pattern.

    District of Chic

  4. I love the subtle print on your pants and the touches of turquoise are such a fun addition!

    Fizz and Frosting

  5. Love this outfit - especially the shoes - that color is one of my faves!!

  6. Gasp - you forgot the bag! And I love that bag and your bag-shoe matchyness.
    Chic on the Cheap
