Thursday, October 2, 2014

{outfit} I'm Ron Burgundy?...

Yes, more burgundy. I'm sorry, its my second favorite color, what can I say.  I always find myself drawn to burgundy pieces in stores have have to resist buying more. Sometimes I give in. Luckily for me, my mom was getting rid of this sweater so it cost me nothing to add it to my closet! This dress is a piece I've had for a few years (almost 4) and it makes at least two appearances a year on the blog, but I wear it more often than that. It's something I throw on when I want to be super comfortable but still look put together.

You can thank my brother for the title. I couldn't think of something and he suggested what you see. Ha ha.

Dress via Twitch Vintage, Sweater: Ralph Lauren, Flats: Chanel (eBay), Bag: Etienne Aigner (thrifted), Necklace c/o by boe, Watch: Marc by Marc Jacobs (Gilt)


  1. Looking cute and coordinated! We can't fault ourselves for the things we love, or for ransacking other people's donation bags...
    Chic on the Cheap

  2. I really love that dress - it looks so chic on you, especially paired with the purple.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. You can't go wrong when this color looks so great on you!
    And loving the Anchorman reference :)
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  4. Totally understand why it's one of your fav colors, it looks gorgeous on you! Definately my favorite color for Fall and Winter. You look gorgeous girl!


    ✿⊰✲⊱✿⊰✲⊱✿ Lucia Flores Diary ✿⊰✲⊱✿⊰✲⊱✿

  5. I love all the burgundy I can get! Loving the cardigan with your flats, great mixing in the blue.

    XO Chelsea

  6. I love the bag and can't believe it was a thrift find!


  7. Hi Megan - absolutely adore this combination on you, it looks really lovely. The colours go so well together (and I like that dress, it looks SO comfortable!

    Also, thank you for trying to do the survey - trying to limit it to AU to get even results. So glad it's the last assignment. Think I'll be even happier once the paper is over though haha.

  8. I think you look great in burgundy! And I love your dress. Have a great weekend!

  9. I like it - I think it looks match-matchy fab.
