Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{tips} How to Get Great Deals on Vintage Fashion

This past year I've been doing a lot more thrifting and second hand shopping.  I thought today would be a good day to have a guest post talking about some of the basics so we can all learn some great tips! 
If you have any other tips feel free to post them in the comments!

Vintage fashion has arguably been a trend since the ’60s when the hip kids donned moth-eaten Edwardiana for their trips to the Kings Road. More recently, however, having a wardrobe filled with classic items of clothing from bygone eras has become a top industry standard.

Unfortunately, some will throw away items of clothing without considering their potential. Luckily, organisations like The Vintage Fashion Guild are dedicated to the promotion and preservation of vintage fashion.

Nowadays, nearly every high-street department store or online retailer has jumped on the bandwagon with a micro-department offering several timeless garments and accessories for sale. Regrettably the prices rarely remain vintage, and you can expect to spend a substantial amount of money on transforming your existing collection, even if selling old clothes has given you more cash to spend.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to get great deals on vintage fashion if you know what to look for and where to buy.

Be Prepared to Look
It is no secret that charity and second-hand shops will have some great vintage fashion tucked away, so be prepared to spend time walking round your town or city browsing for bargains.

Car-boot sales or markets may also provide you with some hidden gems, so search for any local upcoming events online.

Vintage clothes shops will obviously have a great range of items which they will have spent a great deal of time sourcing - and of course they need to make a profit, and this will be reflected in the price.

Still, don’t be afraid to haggle. In most cases, clothing in a vintage shop has been bought individually, so no specific mark-up price exists. Ask for a discount if you buy several pieces of clothing at the same time. You can build up a rapport with the shop owner and potentially receive money off every time you shop there.

Think Twice Before Dismissing a Particular Item
At first glance, you may not think much of a particular old coat or dress, but on closer inspection and with a little modification, it may have the potential to be a great addition to your wardrobe.

If you're the handy type, you should be able to restore the garment to its former glory with a bit of TLC. However, if you want a more professional finish, a dressmaker or seamstress will be able to adjust the item to your specific requirements.

Be Creative
Even if you don’t have the money to fully rejuvenate your wardrobe, it is still possible to achieve a vintage look with a bit of creativity. Adding vintage details to contemporary pieces of clothing can revive a usually ordinary garment. One example is adding authentic 1950s cardigan clips complete with chain to an existing item.

Simple and inexpensive additions to your outfit will give you the vintage look you desire. Think about hats, scarves and gloves for your winter collection, while belts, brooches and costume jewellery can enhance even the most basic summer outfit. With a range of affordable accessories at your disposal, a wide variety of looks and styles are achievable. The only obstacle is your own imagination.

Images via - Ravishing Retail, New Dress A Day, Best Bib and Tucker, Whisty

* I was compensated for this post but it met my standard of approval


  1. So craft! Loving this post. Just joined your blog and look forward to following.

    Will you join mine?

  2. I love the tips, especially adding simple inexpensive additions. Great guest post!!

    Hope you've been well!


  3. These are great tips. I've been meaning to visit some of my local thrift shops!

    Fizz and Frosting

  4. Wow!! look at that coat/dress, it looks gorgoeus after tarnsforming it into a sweet dress! :)

  5. I can't believe that dress, it looked like house coat before, that is amazing!!

  6. I don't buy many vintage items, I mean, up to 2010 I never had a single piece. But then I moved to another country and they have so many charity shops and so on... I ended up buying some items. I love going to those shops, but I buy books, in fact! I will take a better look at what they offer in terms of fashion, cause what you did with the dress is fabulous! (I like to sew, so I could try some new things!) Great blog and great post + great ideas!

  7. Amazing tips! Thank you so much for sharing :-)

    xo The Daily Fashion Drug

  8. Great tips! I love taking novice secondhand shoppers along when I go and showing them the ropes, too. :)


  9. Awesome tips! It's been too long since I've been thrifting!

  10. Shopping for second hand items is always fun, great to find the most amazing treasures!

  11. Great post! We don't have too many vintage shops here in Wellington and the ones we do have are on the pricey side so I tend to try shop on eBay for vintage or not at all. It's a shame - and in the US there's so much to look at I get overwhelmed haha

  12. I love vintage and second hand stores, definitely I was born to be a girl who loves recycled clothes.
    Nice post to invite to new people to try this.

    See you dear :)

  13. love your shoes! Love them all!

  14. Ooo, you're reminding me I haven't been vintage shopping in too long! I need to get on it!

  15. Great post! These tips are great, and i love that moomoo transformation :)
