Thursday, September 13, 2012

{outfit} LuckyFABB Day 1

LuckyFABB Day 1 was insane! We woke up at 6:45, got ready and headed off to the Times Center to wait in line. After we got in, there was some mingling before heading into the main room for our first panel: "How to Make it on your Own Terms" with Brandon Holley (Lucky) and Terry Lundgren (Macy's).  Next it was a panel with Lauren Sherman (Lucky,) Leandra Medine (Man Repeller,) Leah Chernikoff (Fashionista) and Annie Georgia Greenberg (Refinery29.)  Finally, we had a Google Analytics lesson from Raman Kia before a coffee break and checking out some booths.

After that we had the pleasure of listening to Rachel Zoe talk to Brandon Holley.  "The Next Wave" with Lauren Sherman, Steven Kolb (CFDA,) Mitch Grossback (CAA,) Shana Fisher (High Line Venture Partners) and Federico Marchetti (Yoox) talked about what is next for bloggers and how the industry is changing.  Next we heard from Susan Lyne (Gilt,) Lauren Bush Lauren (FEED,) Aliza Licht (DKNY) and Erica Domesek (P.S. I made this...) about Amplifying our Brands.

We then broke into some Breakout Sessions after lunch. I was sitting in on "How Do I Look?," a chat on how your blog looks to brands and "Developing Your Voice."  Everyone reconvened in the main conference room to hear Lauren Conrad. Finally we had the opportunity of listening to a chat between Simon Doonan (Barney's) and the lovely Anna Sui! That was the highlight of my experience.  After all the panels were complete, there was a cocktail party with munchies.

Lydia and I left soon after and headed back to our hotel to rest our feet. Then we quickly headed out for dinner (Chinese food) and some ice cream. Quite the busy day!  And, if you made it through all of that, here are some photos of my outfit!

Skirt: Made by Mom [inspired by Michael Kors], Jacket: Theyskens' Theory (Nordstrom Rack) $180, Top: Splendid (net-a-porter) $32, Sandals: Miu Miu (eBay), Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs "Aidan" (shopbop), Bracelets c/o 31 Bits, Watch: Michael Kors, Necklace: Vanessa Mooney giveaway, Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs (Shopbop) gift card


  1. OMG that skirt is amazing!! I love it I love it I love it - well done Mom!!! :) You're looking amazing - your legs go for miles! :)

    Nora Finds

  2. Oh wow that sounds like a super full (and fascinating and fun) day! And you look super chic for it with the skirt and leather jacket combo.

    Courtney ~

  3. Wow, I LOVE your outfit!! The skirt is fabulous and I love how you combined it! Fabulous! xo, Christina

  4. love love this outfit - your shoes are to die for!! Great look -

  5. Sounds like an incredibly busy day out! Love the jacket (:

    x Michelle |

  6. I love that Marc Jacobs bag! I always used to be about neutral leather purses, but the bright ones just add so much fun to an outfit!

  7. First of all I love your gold skirt! And this day must have been amazing!

  8. girl! you look awesome! love the skirt and jacket - that must have been an amazing day!!

    xo danni

  9. THOSE SHOES!! you girlys are beautiful!!! sounds like it was an amazing day xo

  10. I admire your commitment to wearing that gorgeous leather jacket all day.
    I was dying in my blazer (haha).

  11. That skirt and those shoes, fabulous!


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  13. This is by far my favorite outfit you have EVER worn! It is phenomonal!! I love the skirt and the leather jacket and the shoes. The textures play well with each other, and the hi lo skirt just adds such a touch of fun to the outfit. Kudos, this outfit is amazing!

  14. I am in love with your jacket!
    G xo

  15. Awesome look on you!!! Rocking those shoes!

  16. I have heard from some people that they actually preffered this conference over IFB but I guess it just depends on each person. It sounds like it was fantastic! That dress your mom made is gorgeous! I love asymmetrical pieces!

  17. you looked amazing! your mom is so super awesome (i love the skirt).
    Sometimes Almost Always

  18. Honestly, your mom needs to trademark that skirt!

    xo, Courtney

  19. omg im glad you posted these pics because lucky fabb was so hectic that i didn't even notice the purple bag! it seriously just adds another layer of color and depth to the outfit! love it megan!

  20. sounds soo gloriously hectic and at the same time, SO much fun!!!! love THAT skirt and those heels look AMAZING on YOU!!!

    ♥, Jo
    {style + travel}

  21. I'm jealous! That all sounds so thrilling...

    Lovely edgy outfit! :)


  22. did you go to nyfw?? im totes jeals. what does the top of the skirt look like? is it high waisted? lovely color.

  23. Megan! I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I read your "Arriving in NYC" blog post a couple days ago, but my sister and I are also in the city!! Can we please finally meet up? I believe I've been reading your blog for like 2 years already.

    If you're too busy, totes understandable. But I'd love to meet you, girl!

    P.S. Can your mom make me a skirt just like yours, too? It's gorgeous!!

    xo Sherrie
    Closet Hound

  24. Beautiful outfit! I really love the complete look, but specially the skirt :)


    Shape and Fashion
    Blog’s Facebook Page

  25. Wowit wounds like it was amazing! The dress your ,um made turned out really well. I hope you networked! :p

  26. Love your shoes! This is a great outfit : )

  27. I can't believe your mom made this skirt, it's beautiful! This whole outfit is wonderful. I love seeing photos from these events!

  28. We're actually here indefinitely! haha just settled down into an apartment in Brooklyn. Please, please come visit! We're completely new to the East Coast in general.

    xo Sherrie

  29. Love your outfit! Your skirt is amazing!

    Out Of The Box

  30. Fabulous! I really love the last picture of you!

  31. Just found your blog!! Love it!!! What a fantastic week that must have been. Thanks for sharing all of your pics and details:) Now following you.
    xo, amy

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