Thursday, June 14, 2012

{favorite things} Heirlooms

You guys have probably noticed by now that I don't really wear a lot of jewelry. When I first started the blog I never wore it but now I at least wear my watch, 2 rings and 31 Bits bracelets. What you don't know is that I have amassed a nice collection of old jewelry over the years. I know you all probably have 10 times the amount of jewelry I have but I never wear it so it doesn't really matter, ha ha. I am going to try to start wearing it more often, but we'll see how that goes.

Warning: There is a lot of text in this post because I wanted to explain the pieces...
So today I decided to show you some of the pieces I've been handed down from various family members (mostly my mom and Grandmothers).  But first is a jewelry box my Grandfather made me (he made one for all the girls).
These next two aren't exactly jewelry, but they are still heirlooms and pretty.  The first is a watch/pendant/thing that was my Grandmother's (my Dad's mom) and the second is her perfume.  I got both of these when she passed away over 10 years ago.  My mom, aunts, sister and I went though her jewelry and each got to pick out items we liked. I chose the watch because it was cool, and her perfume so I could always smell it when I missed her.
Next up are some rings! I bought the one with the opal and green stone in Rhode Island when I was a little.  It was from this awesome store in Newport, Geoclassics, where everything was made from natural stones. We had gone there the previous year and I only had enough money to buy a stone egg (for $7,) so the next year I saved up and spent a whopping $35 on the ring. The other three are my Mother's, two of which I wear every day.
Now earrings!  Almost all of these were from my late Grandmother.  The diamond/CZ crosses are from one of my Aunt's, and the hearts with CZ are another gift.  Then the plain diamonds at the bottom are what I wear every day, I rarely take them out.  They were a gift from my Grandmother (my Mom's mom, who is still alive.) She bought them for me when I was a senior in high school because I was "retiring" from gymnastics.  She got them for me as a reward for my dedication, I was a gymnast for 13 years and was only stopping because the college I was going to didn't have a team.

These last two were bought when I was younger on various vacations. I believe I bought the necklace in Rhode Island and it is made out of tons of purple shells (my favorite color!) It fits more like a choker now so I don't wear it as much. And I know you all recognize the other item...a mood ring!!! Who didn't have one of these when they were a pre-teen?


  1. i neeed a nice box to store all my jewelry too!

  2. Wow, you've got an enviable collection - I love pieces that tell a story.

    Courtney ~

  3. I love that I have some of my grandmother's jewelry, too - makes it so much more special :)

  4. you've got some lovely pieces!
    I really like wearing the jewelery that belonged to my grandma, even if it's just costume stuff.

    It may sound weird, but I want to amass a really great collection of fine jewelry so that someday my grand kids can inherit it.

  5. These are so lovely!! I wish I had some of my grandmother's jewelry.

  6. My grandmother recently gave me a bag of all her old jewelry/clothes. It was amazing. Everything is so in right now and it's so beautiful because there's actually a story behind it.


  7. such a lovely collection of things... love looking at old jewelry with a history.


  8. The accessories are great!

  9. Whaou!
    So nice!!! Like this!!
    Angela Donava

  10. So lovely. I dont own much jewellry either, but the few pieces I have are loved by me. Next thing I am going to buy are a ring. :)

  11. You've got a great collection going on. I love that each piece has meaning to you. All my jewelry means is I spent 5 bucks at F21..not so meaningful.

  12. Wonderful stuff. You have a great eye for these things.


  13. You do have a decent collection though, and I love that it all comes with a back story!

  14. I love this! Reminds me to go through my own old jewelry - so many fun memories!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  15. so many wunderful pieces!


  16. Beautiful pieces. I don't where jewelry either but I do like to collect vintage brooches and things.

  17. What a cool collection, and great history behind it too!
