Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Black Velvet

Two outfit posts in a row! I'm on a roll...and guess what, you may even get one tomorrow too!  I have had this Marc by Marc Jacobs jacket since Christmas Eve of 2006.  I had been obsessed with it ever since I saw it on Emma Watson in 2005 [here] and I searched for it every day and finally found it on eBay and it arrived just in time to wear it for Christmas [pic from btb...before the blog.] This was a major splurge, I think I paid $80 for it...sheesh! That was a LOT for me back then (now too usually...)  Sadly my chest has grown a bit in the 5 years since I've had it so I have been searching for it in a bigger size because I love it so much.  But for now I just don't button it.

You guys are probably getting sick of seeing my purse every day, but get used to it ;) I need to use it every day for at least a year to make up for the cost (cost/wear ratio ;) )  I do sometimes break out my mini MJ purse, but only on the weekends if I go somewhere, its too small to use for work.  As you may have guessed I'm more of a shoe girl than a bag girl, I can live with 2/3 bags, but need TONS of shoes.  Are you a shoe girl or a bag lady?

Jacket: Marc by Marc Jacobs (eBay), Jeans: Free People (Marshalls) $30, Wedges: Crown Vintage (DSW) $35, Watch: Michael Kors, Purse: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs via Shopbop gift card
[excuse the two shots with my tummy showing, I wanted to show the top of the jeans, ha ha]


  1. very cute jacket - I love your braid - I cant wait for my hair to grow back - I miss it :( and cracking up - we love the bag - nice that it goes with everything thus far :)

  2. I'm such a sucker for anything involving black velvet.

    xoox ~ Courtney

  3. Love the jacket!!

    I love both bags and shoes, but I am DEFINITELY a shoe fiend!! I have several purses, but I usually get in a purse rut and wear the same two (black or brown depending on outfit) for months. But shoes, I try and change it up as often as possible. And I love to be crazy with my shoes, whereas I like my purses to be classic.

  4. again, you look amazing in those jeans, and I love the blazer, I totally get the obsession/stalking/overpaying - sometimes you just need something.

    And switching up bags all the time can be such a pain, I totally feel like I've outfitposted out a few of mine, so sometimes i'll just take the photos sans bag.

  5. black velvet is dreamy + I'm loving that lavender bag of yours.

  6. Love your blazer to pieces! So into polka dots at the moment!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  7. Great blazer! And you've gotten several years out of it so far :)

  8. I think your purse is all kinds of fab, so keep on using it.

    The jacket is adorable. Polka dots are daintily fun.

  9. i think that's a pretty good deal on the marc jacobs jacket and i love the bag too!

  10. So pretty and I love the shots too!

  11. Ooh, really pretty outfit. I love that MBMJ jacket! It's gorgeous. I definitely buy more shoes, than I do bags. :)SarahD

  12. Love Free People! I always find great pieces there. Also loving the velvet, so luxe for Fall ~jen

  13. that jacket is a beauty. I think it looks great unbuttoned.

  14. the polka dot blazer is a beaut! loves it!

  15. Love your pants! It's back :) I am already following you my dear :) Hope you follow back via Google friend connect!

  16. love the pop of colour ofrom the bag. great outfit!

    Inside and OPutside Blog

  17. I love that jacket. I love it even more with the polka dots.


  18. That blazer is too cool! I'm so excited for the return of velvet season!

  19. OHHHH, cute cute CUTE!! Those jeans look amazing on your. I know you said you're short like me but you would never know that. You look super tall. Especially in those jeans.

