Saturday, October 1, 2011

Closet Fashionista's Spending Challenge: September Recap

Okay, so this was a bad month, I went shopping in NYC on the 3rd with Jamie-Lee and I gave myself a set amount I could spend without feeling guilty but, of course, I couldn't find anything. So I decided to let myself be bad the Sunday and Monday after instead and bought a few things that I'm not counting in my spending:
I also got a Marc by Marc Jacobs sweater from Gilt Groupe because when our intern left he sent me a gift card! (YAY for Paul!) BUT sadly it was too big and they didn't have a small for me to exchange so no more sweater...

I was also VERY bad and bought stuff from the Missoni for Target collection, but how can you pass up Missoni for under $60?! But sadly everything I bought was too big for me so I had to return it all except for a pair of flats for $30.

I have been doing this spending challenge for a full year now and I think it is time for me to stop doing my monthly recaps. [unless you guys still want me to] I think I have learned to curb my spending and only buy what will go to good use so I am also lifting the unspoken no shopping rule, but I will continue to watch what I buy and be careful with my spending.  


  1. i've been doing my budget for a year now too and have been consistently horrible at sticking to it!!!

    should i just drop it, or try harder to reform?

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. Hello dollie....LOVE the colorblock top!
    Hope you are well...miss u!

  3. i always tell myself that i won't shop for a month, but it never works out that way! especially hard when i'm working with clothes everyday!

  4. We super love your choice of top, jeans, tank and blazer! They are really classy! :)
    You have a very nice blog! Keep the posts coming! :)

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!



  5. I only ended up with the flats, a scarf and a clipboard from the Missoni collection...but I heart my scores! Aren't the flats the cutest?

  6. Loving your new items hun and I love seeing your recap :) xx

  7. The most important thing is being careful with our money, so I guess that you learned your lesson :)

    See you cutie, have a nice day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm generally good at sticking to my budget, though at times there are moments when it's good to be bad, lol. Seems you still have found pretty decent prices overall! Lovely colourblock top. xx :)

  10. well, i'm sure you made someone's day by returning all that missoni stuff. i keep finding that some of the stuff is too big too! but most of my missoni stuff hasn't arrived yet. you look like you did great on your shopping challenge!

  11. love it!!!
    pass to my blog :D

  12. Nice! i like it?
    have you seen my last outfit post, of cow girl, with Gucci bag?
    came and see it! i wait for you follow !
    Miriamstella (from Italy)

  13. Damn it, I always enjoy the recap posts! But I know what you mean; you get into the mindset and then it's not necessary anymore...
