Monday, June 20, 2011

Connecticut Bloggers Meetup

Before we get to the post, the winner of the Pixie Knitwear giveaway is comment number 29, Emily of Ruby Slipper Journeys!! Congrats!!! (I'll be emailing you soon with more details!) [a bunch of people entered after it was over :( )

UPDATE: Be sure to check out a feature/interview with me over at Walk of Fashion, I'm a Girl of the Blogosphere! :D


This past Saturday I went to my first ever blogger meetup!! I met with Lydia, Courtney, Amber and Nnenna!! We met up in New Haven and took some outfit photos around the Yale campus and then headed to Barcelona (a restaurant) to eat and talk about fashion and how Nnenna and I both hate cheese. The girls also had a lovely time trying to make me finish my whole glass of Sangria (I'm not much of a drinker.) Then we headed to a bar to talk a bit more before leaving to go home.  As Lydia said so perfectly in her post, we "[...] talked for hours with both the intimacy of old friends, and the awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time."

Here are some photos from the night, mine came out like garbage so I stole some from the other girls too ;) Make sure to check the other girl's blogs for more photos (Lydia, Nnenna and Courtney already posted!) I apparently didn't get the memo that everyone was dressing in black and white :p Click them to enlarge.
1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 14 by Lydia |  4, 5, 15 by me | 6, 7 by Courtney | 9 by Amber | 10, 11, 12 by Nnenna
And here are some more shots of me by Lydia and Courtney, click them to enlarge:
I'm wearing my Calvin Klein dress, Kenneth Cole Reaction belt, Mulberry for Target bag, Forever 21 turtle ring [similar by noir], Michael Kors watch and Burberry heels [similar pair by Burberry] and Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses!


  1. what a nice experience. you guys look cute!

  2. love it! So shopping trip asap right?!! I feel like such a bum, I wont be getting my post together until tomorrow. poo.

  3. First: Gaah I won! ; D
    Second: That looks like great fun! Some great ladies there, and a few I don't know who I'll have to check out. You should live on the wild side and finish your sangria, lady!

  4. Haha - no I love your bright dress, I was actually wishing I'd thrown on my orange heels and grabbed my turquoise bag ;)

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. I love blogger meet-ups!! Looks like you ladies had a blast!


  6. so fun! i love meeting fellow bloggers and you all look so stylish :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This looks like such a good time! I wish there were bloggers who lived near me. It seems all you cool people live OUT THERE. The photographs are really well done. What camera is being used?

    And I like the bag, Megan!

  9. I love how you posted the shot of me making that horrible face - I'm actually really starting to love that face. And I also love how vibrant you look in all the photos in your colorful dress! It was so great meeting you.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  10. This looks like such a great meet up!! You all look great :)


  11. Seems you had lots of fun. Never been to a blogging meet up, but now I want to one day..seems so fun.

  12. U guys all lOok amazing!! Happy Monday xx

  13. Aww, these are fantastic pictures. To say I LOVE your Calvin Klein dress is an understatement! It just pops out. :)SarahD

  14. Love this! How cool would it be to have a GIANT blogger meet-up, for like a week or something? BloggerFest or something. All expenses covered. I like the sounds of it!

  15. Sounds like a blast! And I am loving your chic! xo

  16. great pics!

    I'm having a leather bracelet giveaway on my blog...head over to enter.

  17. lady in red! a gorgeous dress that fits you really nice! :D
    i always enjoy to meet other bloggers!! it's so much fun! :D


  18. It looks like a really fun day.

  19. Love the dress, it looks great on you!

  20. Loving that red dress on you! Blogger meet ups are the best! You girls look like you had an amazing time!

  21. love that you guys met up! you're all such fashionable ladies and i love all of your blogs! great dress and fabulous bag!!!

  22. Blogger meet ups are sooo fun! You do feel like you have known each forever, but at the same time you feel a little nervous meeting new people. LOVE those hot wedges!! Rock it girl.

  23. I absolutely loved seeing these pictures and recognizing almost all of you. It's like a meeting of friends and the pictures turned out wonderfully!!


  24. I saw some pics on Lydia and Countney's blogs. Your coral dress is gorgeous and looks great on you

  25. how fun!!!! blogger meet ups are so fun. you all look so chic and fab. xx

  26. Like we said before, DOWN with cheese! haha ;) Seriously, so awesome to meet someone who feels the same way I do about it! And I love your bright dress, makes me want to bust out the bright colors too! =)

    star-crossed smile

  27. Great photos! All so gorgeous :)


  28. All of you look amazing! Great photos!


    Fashion Fractions

  29. i want a pretty red dress too :D

  30. you guys look so lovely! am glad i found this blog, now i can follow all you girls!
    loads of love


  31. you girls look awesome, and this is such a nice place for a meetup. i am in love with your red dress!

  32. Oh how fun!!! great photos, you looked super hot! I wish i could go on bloggers night out...
