Thursday, June 30, 2011

Closet Fashionista's Spending Challenge: June Recap

I'm doing this a day early since tomorrow is Friday and that's when I post my outfits, ha ha. Anyway, this month I wasn't supposed to buy anything but you know me...SHOPAHOLIC! I was a good girl for the most part and just drooled over things except 1 big thing...

I got my Michael Kors Rose Gold watch and have been wearing it every day since I got it, sooo worth it!  paid $198 instead of the $265 I would have paid normally.  YAY! It's a lot sooner than I was planning on getting it, but with a deal like that I couldn't resist.

I'm still debating buying something from the net-a-porter end of season sale, but I'm not sure...I want a Burberry dress, but it will be $275 with shipping and that's a lot of money to spend right before my vacation...GRRR! :p

Sorry this is a boring post, but I leave for vacation tomorrow so I don't have much time, ha ha.


  1. Well your watch is gorgeous and at a price like that I wouldn't be able to resist either! =)

    star-crossed smile

  2. have a good vaca!

  3. I would not have been able to resist that watch either...and I personally think you should go for the dress, I mean you know you'll get your money's worth...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. When it's such a good deal, you'd probably be more upset if you didn't get it - so good for you!

    Yay London!

  5. That's awesome that you got the MK watch!!! I have the gold one but I SOOOOO want the Rose Gold one now! How did you save so much on it?

  6. you are always going on vacation - that's great
    hope you enjoy and have a great time
    remember to always take pictures

  7. Ahhhhhh, I want that watch so bad and I'm not even a watch girl!

  8. The gold watch was DEFINITELY a good choice! I love mine, and for awhile it didn't leave my wrist. I vote spend the money on your vacation, you never know what you'll find!
    Have a great day :)

  9. The watch was a great buy :)

  10. For June I'm not buying anything and it is killing me! Almost home free.

  11. Glad you are enjoying your MK! Mine still hardly leaves my wrist and I bought it months ago.

  12. Not bad, not bad! I vote you save your money and don't buy the dress so you have extra room to splurge on vacation.

  13. Wow. You did save a lot! I'm not sure I could spend that much on one item though. Plus, I just back from a summer class in Baltimore. Tuition, housing and food was pricey! So I need to save money now. Haha.

    Mus(eum)ings: Musings from a Museum Intern

  14. Umm.. expensive watch for my little budget.
    Im pretty exited for your trip :)
    Enjoy it for me (please ;)

    See you!

  15. Oh I think it's okay that you bought yourself a little something something! As long as your happy with the purchase, that's all that matters!

  16. have a great vacation. run away from the dress!!

  17. I LOVE your crown vintage wedges!!! Really cute!
