Saturday, January 1, 2011

Closet Fashionista's Spending Challenge: December Recap

Happy New Year!!!  I was pretty good in December (with the exception of one big item, but I've wanted it for a long time and I need it for my vacations). I did some thinking about my budget & decided I am going to go down to $200 a month, for now.  I calculated my expenses in a spreadsheet (because I'm a geek and enjoy things like that) and I'll still have a good amount of money saved each year even with gas money, paying off my student loans and $200 a month for other stuff.  This next year will have extra expenses (London, Florida, maybe an iPhone) but then the next year I probably won't be going on any major trips so it will be fine.  I bought my iPad on December 23rd, I was going to wait until January, but whatever, I wanted it now, and I LOVE it.  I was so good at the beginning of the month...but then I exploded a bit at the end...but factoring gift money and stuff in I still stayed way under budget XD

Enough with all that rambling, here's my December spending recap.
  • December 2 - Chinese Food $7
  • December 10 - Diner with friend $5
  • December 10 - Movie Magic Magazine HP Issue $10.55
  • December 11 - 2 DKNY Cozies at TJ Maxx $40 (sold one on eBay and made $78.88 after all the fees, so this cancels out with $38.88 left I took that off my spending too) 
  • December 23 - iPad (not counted in my challenge...haha...I need it for my vacas so I can still work on all my sites and such) 
  • December 25 - net-a-porter and American Eagle $0 
  • December 26th -  Disney Movie Club Order (Fantasia, Fantasia 2000, Beauty & the Beast, Pinocchio, and Free Beauty & the Beast Pin) $46.91
    [if you want to join the club leave a comment with your full name and email and I can invite you with a special offer since I'm a VIP :D]
  • December 29 - Diner with Friend $4
 Christmas Gifts Bought for Others:
  •  December 3 -  $24.96
    • The Princess Bride DVD
    • Arthur DVD (starring Dudley Moore)
    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVD (the original)
    • Dirt 2 video game (brother)
  • December 5 -  $33
    • Hoodie (brother)
    • Sweater (dad)
    • Angel Bell (grandma)
    • Candy (grandpa)
    • Candy (secret santa)
TOTAL: $92.54
LEFT:  $157.46
Don't forget to join Shop It To Me for the latest markdowns, secret promotion codes & VIP sale events for your favorite brands and stores!


  1. Bonne et heureuse année 2011

  2. If only I was so well organised with my spending! One of my resolutions this year is to be better with money, so I might have to join the Spending Challenge :) x

  3. UGH. This makes me feel convicted I need to budget my spending better... lol You are doing a fantastic job!!

  4. wow, i wish i was as good with my budget like you are!! the cozies were such a good deal too!:)

  5. Well done, and good work on deciding to decrease your budget! It's always a challenge but you're so good at finding great stuff cheaply that I'm sure it'll be fine!

  6. Oh my gosh girl I wish I was as organized as you. I have to start keeping track of what I spend.
    Happy New Year sista!

  7. I am following you as inspiration even more closely now with my budgeting as I'm saving to visit my sister whose in spain on study abroad. thank you for all the inspiration this year, I finally feel in control of my expenses and I make such better financial decisions thanks to your influence so THANK YOU a million times!!

  8. I feel like I should join the spending challenge =D It would help me get more set a good example!

  9. You are so disciplined and organized with your budgeting - I'm in awe.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  10. Oh my gosh. You budget so well!! I actually calculated my expenses for the entire Fall semester of school, and I spent well over $200 on just eating out! Ugh. And I don't want to tell you how much I spent on shopping.

    xo Sherrie

  11. Wow. You only spent $58 on christmas gifts? I wish that was what my credit card statement looked like right now. I mean, it kind of looks like that, only with an extra zero in there. Oh dear.

    I think I'd better try and not spend any money in January!

  12. I love how you budget so greatly!
    Happy New Year!

  13. woow good goal! I really want an ipad too, tell me how GREAT is it?

  14. I really don't know how you do it..
    I spend and spend and I don't even know in what..

  15. WOW, you are really really REALLY good at budgeting! I can't believe that was your total for December even including xmas gifts! great job!!

    xox Vicky
    Bikinis & Passports

  16. You are so good. I'm reassessing my spending patterns as we speak as I am now jobless. May have to go wash some dishes for a while.....haha


  17. You did great as usual :)

  18. Nice job on sticking with your budget. Hopefully this teaches me a lesson.

  19. you have been so good with your spending! I just have a saving schedule and the rest is play money.. it's probably a little naughty but whatever lol. happy new year dear x

  20. i am so impressed! I should totally follow your footsteps for next year because i spent a ridiculous amount of money this december, plus i like the neatness and organization that comes along with making spreadsheets/charts as well :) happy new year + congrats on your budgeting!


  21. congrats. that's amazing. i might create myself a challenge as such. my inspiration: you

  22. Congratulations,I am looking forward to keeping my spending in order in the new year :)

    ♥ Marta from With Love...

  23. wow when i read this, i was like you sound exactly like me on my budget feels so good to know that i am not the only one challenging myself to save and work on a budget, because it is seriously hard work to fight temptations off (at least for me)

    happy new year!

  24. Happy New Year my dear, and how inspirational you are, Living On a Budget is definitely a MUST for me too :))

    Wishing you Love & Happiness dearest


  25. I need to live on a budget too, looks good! And happy new year dear! That all your wishes may come true!


  26. wow great! Well done :)
    Happy New Year!

  27. I love spreadsheets! :o)


  28. Wow you know how to spend it! Love to read it. Happy 2011

  29. WOW.. you are so organized..I must give your website to my best friend that a look and get an inspirations from you. she has no clue.
    On your previous post I loved the way you put your best look for each month.
    Have a fab 2011.
