Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Blog with Substance Award

One of my favorite bloggers, Jessica from Style Obsession, tagged me for the "A Blog with Substance" award yesterday.  Her blog definitely deserves the award, so I'm glad someone gave it to her ;)  Here are the rules:
Here are the award rules:

1. Thank the person who gave it to me.
Thanks Jessica! You rock!! :D :D

2. Sum up my blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five words.
Dressing the best for less! (haha...that sounds funny, but it works ;) )

3. Pass it on to 5 other blogs that I feel have real substance.
It is so hard choosing people to pass awards on to! But here we go (two of the people I would have chosen were already picked by Jessica so I don't want to repeat XD):

Flashes of Style - Bonnie has such a great style and I love every single one of her outfits.

page sixxx -  Jamie-Lee is another blogger with awesome style!  She has an awesome wardrobe!

Twitch Vintage - Robyn has such a great eye, every week she adds tons of gorgeous clothes to her online eBay store. Her personal style is wonderful too!

See You In Sweden -  I have only been following her blog for a few weeks but Rebecca has awesome items and always looks very put together and pretty!

Illustrated Moodboard - Another blog I have just started following.  This blog is truly unique, every post is a gorgeous illustration of a fashion blogger, or other fashion item. :)

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  1. Congratulation Hun you did deserve it! I love your header is that a original sketch by you?

  2. Way to go hunnie.....congrats!! I love Jessica too:)
    I already follow most of these blogs and I going to check out the others:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  3. Congrats you definitely deserve it! And ill be checking all those blogs out now! Thanks!!

    xoxo, jaz

  4. I would agree that you are definitely a blog with substance!

  5. Aw, thank you! That's my first blog award :)

  6. awe. My heart swells. Thank you so much.
