Sunday, August 29, 2010

Closet Fashionista's Spending Challenge: Want to Join?

Okay, I have decided on the terms of my "Spending Freeze" that will begin on September 1st, but I have changed the name to a "Spending Challenge".  I made up a contract for myself that you can read below.  This is to help control my spending but also to make sure I can still spend, because going cold turkey is madness.  Even $150 is more than I want to spend each month, but I figured I would make it a little more JUST in case XD. I'm planning on spending less than that.
*There is a splurge exception for getting a digital video camera since I will need one IF I'm invited to interview at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows premiere for my site. My travel/other expenses for the premiere will also not count*
In my sidebar I will keep a tally of how much I have spent and on the first of each month I will do a post stating how much I spent and what I bought.  This way I can find out if I'm buying things that I don't really need.

If you want to join me in this, make a contract for yourself, post it on your blog and the first of each month do a recap of how much you spent and what you bought.

AMENDMENT ONE:  As of November 2010 the budget is now $250 since I got hired full time and can afford to spend a little more. I will still try to stay under $150 though.

AMENDMENT TWO: As of January 2011 I have decreased the limit to $200 to account for my 2 big vacations of the year. Also, any money I make advertising or from babysitting/anything not related to my real work will be put into a fund that I can use on a splurge item(s).

AMENDMENT THREE: As of May 2011 the spending limit has decreased to $150 and my budget is only for clothes.  Based on my spending I feel that this is a much better way to control myself because my problem with shopping is clothes. I don't buy much else and when I do buy things that aren't clothes its very infrequent and something I need. So when I do need to buy other things I don't want that to hinder my clothing budget. But I did feel like I needed to lower the budget since it is only for clothes.  

Are you woman (or man) enough to join in?! ;)

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  1. There is so much you can get for $150!

  2. I think you will do great with the $ for sales, and itll really make you RETHINK if you want the item....thats almost #38 per weekend...if you try, you can really do it:)

  3. this is such a good idea

  4. GREAT IDEA! I love it!
    I'm gonna be posting my own spending pledge soon. Thanks

    xoxo jaz

  5. cool deal! i didn't spend that much ($150) a month though; me and my sister are still students, hahaa. good luck with your pledge! :D

    Castor Pollux

  6. Good luck doll! I may join you next month. ;) xo- karrie

  7. You know I'm of course on this path already, but I was only thinking in terms of clothing/accessories/shoes -- as for those other 'non-essentials' I have really been counting, I've gone out to eat, to the movies, gotten lots of coffees... which all adds up, and I'm not really watching it. I also really want a new lens for my camera which would be a splurge purchase indeed, at $600...

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. I'm really excited to follow your progress on here! I know for sure that I couldn't do this.

  9. I'm in but my purpose is to spend any money that I don't NOW, in October when my girlfriends and I go to NY.

  10. good luck with this (and i'm afraid to say i'm not man/woman to join in for now) :)

  11. i've been on a fashion diet for a while and so far have been a good girl... after a while you start to realize your bank account looks really healthy and your European trip doesn't look impossible anymore... have a great weekend!

  12. Good for you. I think that you are on the right track to financial freedom....

    Good luck.

  13. such a quite worthy & timely challenge, which i applaud you in first undertaking yourself by example & then extending to all "to step up..." in similar manner & spirit! i definitely & eagerly accept such!

  14. I think this sounds like a great way to hold yourself accountable. I need to seriously look at my shopping budget. I was doing so well... then I'm not sure what came over me!!! BUT I am happy to say that all recent purchases are items that will last and I will get a decent cost per wear ratio out of it.

  15. Thanks, im so happy that it's finally over! Haha. This idea sounds very good! I think 150 dollars for me is even to much.. But im not much of a big spender either.. Good luck on the challenge, but im sure you'll do great.. You probably should now that the WHOLE world is watching you haha :p

    Sjanna from wehavebeenexpectingyou

  16. Sounds fab! Do u include things like take out? Cos thats my downfall!
    Http: //

  17. such a good idea! and you can get so many great things for only 150$ :) good luck to you!

  18. That's a great pledge. Often deciding what will last for years or not is the hardest part. All the best!

  19. Ha ha, great pledge! I would love to join you but I donated a lot of clothes to charity before my move and need fall clothes now!

  20. HAHHAHA!I love your statement. I wish I could join but I am not strong enough to make this promise to myself. :)

    B* a la Moda

  21. Wow! I'd love to say I will try but, I know I won't be able to resist....Good Luck I'm holding thumbs!!

  22. This sounds like a great idea, good luck!!


  23. I would join in if I didn't have pre-orders from Karen Walker and Lover coming out in the next couple months!

    Good luck x

  24. Great idea! You will get a lot for $150.:) My budget is horrible at the moment, I have only about €30 to spend on non-essential items p/m. Ughhhhh!!!!! Someone give me a job. haha SarahD:)

  25. oouuww, great idea ! ;)

  26. This is a cool idea!

    ¡Besitos fashionistas!

  27. good luck hunniie: )
    I am back from SH come checkout my blog~

  28. Hah! With your bargain hunting abilities, $150 could keep you shopping most days of the week! Seriously though, I think it's a good idea. I couldn't possibly post my spending habits on my blog though; I would just end up lying. Too many years of lying to my mother... ; ) Anyway, I'm fairly well behaved, so I feel justified on the odd splurge!

  29. I'm in! I think I'm going to try to keep it under 100 though or less. We will see :)

  30. Such a fantastic idea! I definitely encourage you in sticking with it :)

  31. I'm in!
    I follow you :) xx

  32. Oh geeze good luck! I've already got that spent for september! Well actually I was thinking about not buying everything I wanted! Great Idea I will Try!! xoox Camille @

  33. I have a lot of admiration for you! I need to do this too, thats for the inspiration.
    check out my blog,
    I think blogging is a good way to let out creative energy without actually spending money on clothing etc.

  34. I am taking the challenge! My month starts today anyways because this is when my billing cycle ends.... I will post sunday on my blog with my expenses!

  35. I love that you're doing this! I have a half-written post about my spending evaluation - and impending budget. I love that you wrote your spending amount in the sidebar to keep you accountable.

  36. This is such a good idea! Since leaving college a year ago and being on my own, I've struggled with ways to save money and not buy dumb stuff, and this may be a great idea for me, too.


  37. Good luck! And congrats on your full time position!

    Just Better Together

  38. Just wanted to let you know you inspired me to do The Spending Challenge! Such a great idea and the posting of the spending I think will help me be held accountable!!!
    I did a post on my blog and gave you credit!
