Thursday, July 1, 2010

Home Sweet Home & Just Bought

Well I am home from vacation and had a great time! Here's a quick, but not so quick, recap of my last 5 days along with some photos (my mom has all the candid photos on her camera so maybe I'll post some of those later when she's back) 

Saturday: Mom and I drove up to the house (we rented for the week) alone, set up the house, went to the beach for a few hours, did some shopping, and got Iggy's for dinner. If you ever go to Rhode Island, I highly recommend it! Then I looked around the house for wireless internet and found it out on the deck! At around 8 my sister came up to the house and we watched The Wedding Planner. Then we went to bed, I was sadly a bit sunburned (I don't usually burn)!

(the house, my sister's/my room, dinner, beach outfit (dress - American Eagle $19.99, bathing suit - Hollister $25))
Sunday: I woke up with my sunburn turned to tan, woohoo! We ate breakfast and headed to the beach for a few hours.  We didn't stay long because it was cloudy and gross.  After that we went to Marshall's and started to watch Sabrina (with Harrison Ford) then my dad and brother's arrived around 8.  We watched some TV and went to sleep.
 (breakfast, Marshalls, beach outfit (coverup - Victoria's Secret $10, bathing suit - American Eagle $20)
Monday: Woke up, had breakfast, went to the beach from 10-3 or so.  My other family came at this point (2 aunts, 2 uncles and 4 cousins).  I went in the water for a while and tanned.  Then we had spaghetti for dinner and played Apples to Apples.  But before I ate my spaghetti I had to sit by my computer from 7 to about 7:15 refreshing my email waiting for Warner Bros. to send me the download links to the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer for my site, Magical-Menagerie! Then we all watched it a few times after dinner, you can watch it below or download it in high resolution here!
 (beach outfit: skirt - Hollister $5, bathing suit - XOXO $10)

Tuesday:Woke up with HORRIBLE sunburn, red all over my shoulders, had breakfast and went to the beach from 10-3. I stayed under the umbrella almost the whole time except for going in the water for a bit.  I also sat on the blanket in my black coverup and my aunts huge straw hat ;p  Then we went to visit them at their campsite that night from at 6-10 and had tacos! Then sleep.
campsite outfit: skirt - American Eagle $25, Tank - American Eagle $6 (afterwards added a cardigan and sweatpants because it got cold)
Wednesday:  Woke up and my sunburn was a bit better but still hurting. But now I have hives all over my legs and some of my arms, YUCK!  Went to the beach from 10-1 and stayed back at the house instead of going back down because it was really windy outside!  Then we went to George's in Galilee, RI (another recommendation!) for dinner, and walked into a few shops. 

I was bad and got a skirt inside a shop called "Softouch".  I'm still not sure if I should keep it or sell it, what do you think? Be brutally honest.  I think its fun but I'm not sure if it's too weird.  I also will need to find some tops for it...XD  It is by "Freak Street, visions by shop therapy" and apparently it is a guy named Joey Mars that makes them
front, back and detail (click to make lots larger)
Then after all that fun, my sister and I drove home since I had work tomorrow.  I shall be nice and tan for work tomorrow, hopefully my burn will turn the rest of the way into a tan (it still burns a bit now) and my hives will be gone. (I prepared this post Wednesday night if you couldn't guess by this last paragraph ;) )


  1. Sounds like you had fun, bar the sunburn!:)SarahD

  2. j'aime beaucoup ta petite jupe verte....

  3. Can't wait to see the Harry Potter movies!

  4. you should've used my sunburn trick!! it's under my DIY section. it really works.

    I've only been to RI once or twice. But I love seeing the car tags down here in GA.

  5. high five dvrling - you rock that bikini!

    I saw that you commented on a recent post of Rumi's at Fashion Toast and I thought that you might be interested in my post where I did a DIY body chain:


  6. Well dont you have an awesome figure missy! you look freeking gorgeous :-D xxxx

  7. oh the little house is so cue... <3

    sarah from

  8. Really nice outfits! Seems like you had fun!:D

  9. despite the burns you got a really nice tan!! think: aloe vera gel! have a great 4th!! i'm running away today and not coming back til Tuesday. ya-freaking-hoo!!!

  10. WOW the last Harry Potter seems so great, I have shivers now watching the trailer ! I always say movies can't be as good as books, but maybe this one will surprise me :)
    I haven't been anywhere yet for summer holidays... I want to travel !!!

    Have fun :D

  11. It sounds like you had a great time!

    As for the skirt, it's not my style but if you really like it, I know you'll be able to pull it off!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  12. What a fabulous vacation! I'm glad you had a great time. :)

    I love all your outfits and these photos. And that skirt you bought is GORGEOUS!

  13. Cute looks!

    Just came across your blog!

    It is lovely!

  14. Looove harry potter,i'm such a nerd

  15. Sunburn is horrible!! But I loooove Harry Potter (:

  16. Your beach outfit looks perfect!! I love that skirt too! I think it would be perfect with white or black tanks! xoxxooxo

  17. Just started following your blog, I love all the inspiration pictures that you posted! They are great.

    I love Harry Potter too :)

    I'm from Florida so I know how much sunburn sucks.


    Classy and Delicious

  18. sounds like a fun family week! i hope those burns heal fast!

  19. So fun to have your own home...Am I reading that right!?
    xx Emily at EL Vintage

    PS come follow my blog and shop my store.. xx

  20. Sounds like a fun time, your outfits are gorgeous :) beach outfit is my fav

  21. lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove!!
    really nice:):)

  22. Nice photo :)

    Visit my blog <3
