Neville and Luna! I wanted them to be together so much. They were so cute in
Order of the Phoenix and the other books.
Another ship I enjoy is Snape and Lily, even though they obviously were never going to be together. But they made a cute couple when they were younger!
I also love the obvious Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione!

About Closet Fashionista
Loves to get bargains on clothes and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Disney. By day she is a freelance graphic and web designer. She also has a slight obsession with movies.You can also find her on the web at her Harry Potter and Matthew Lewis fan sites.
Favourite Ship? Does that mean favourite couple? I would also go with Snape and Lily. And Lupin and Tonks. I was never too inspired by the main couplings, they seemed kind of obvious...