Thursday, July 22, 2010

The 30-Day Harry Potter Challenge: Day 9 - Least Fave Male Character

Another easy one: PERCY WEASLEY

He is SUCH a butthead. Ever since the first book he was sooo annoying and he just kept getting worse.  [Spoiler Alert] I wish he died in the book! I wouldn't have been sad at all. [/Spoiler Alert]


  1. He annoys me a lot also! it's amazing how a fictional character can create the same annoyance as a real male :P

  2. I honestly can't think of one! I mean, there are obviously characters I don't like, but I just think all the characterizations are so brilliant that it's difficult to say. I'll go with Crabbe and Goyle, because they aren't really characters as such, just evil stereotypes.

    Oh, I finally got my act together and got bloglovin' so I'm a follower now!

  3. I just skipped to the comments today b.c. I don't want any spoilers! Just started the FIRST HP today and I'm in lurve!!!
