Friday, July 30, 2010

The 30-Day Harry Potter Challenge: Day 17 - Are You Excited About The Deathly Hallows Movie Or Scared It Won’t Do The Book Justice

I am sooo excited!!! As I said before, I don't worry about them messing things up and just enjoy the movies.

It is definitely going to be the best of all the movies.  I'm just sad that I'll have to wait a whole 6 months in between both parts, its going to be more torturous than waiting for the first part.


  1. Ha! I knew it was coming out soon. My boyfriend tried to tell me it wasn't coming out until november yesterday. He knows nothing.

  2. Oh, your 30 day HP challenge makes me feel so good, I keep thinking "another potter maniac/fashionista". I used to blog at FabBlab, but this is my new Please follow :D

  3. It is coming out in november, isn't it?

    I agree. Really, they mess up all the movies a bit, they're not a patch on the books, but I love watching them anyway!
