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Day Twenty-Five - Your Day in Great Detail

  Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 8:36 AM   |    Post a Comment     Tagged: 
Here is my day yesterday in great detail, but not really XD
  • Got up at 8:15, checked emails, commented on blogs, looked for Harry Potter news for my site, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and had 2 cinnamon rolls
  • Left for work at 9, got there at 9:15
  • Worked until 12:30 and went to my car to have lunch, went back inside at 12:45
  • Worked until 5 and came home. 
  • Ate dinner and watched Gilmore Girls
  • Checked emails, commented on blogs, looked for Harry Potter news for my site
  • Wrote an email & watched TV
  • Went to bed at 10 because work makes me SUPER tired...EW! Thats like 2/3 hours earlier than I used to go to bed
And that's pretty much it ;)

    About Closet Fashionista

    Loves to get bargains on clothes and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Disney. By day she is a freelance graphic and web designer. She also has a slight obsession with movies.

    You can also find her on the web at her Harry Potter and Matthew Lewis fan sites.


    1. I just LOVE Gilmore Girls!!! =) So many memories.

    2. AH that looks like a lovely day. My days have been long and drawn out at work... 12 hours most days :/
      I am now following you on bloglovin' :)

      xo Lynzy

    3. That was pretty cool to read. I am ready for a new Harry Potter movie.

    4. What do you work as?

      I remember when I first started my job, and getting used to early mornings and a full work day took its toll until I settled in to it. There's always coffee :) x

    5. Oh I miss Gilmore Girls! My ex used to say that they were like me n' my sister the way we talk so fast.

      xx Vivian @

    6. Oh i love me some Harry Potter!

    7. Damn work! I love harry potter please, whats your site?

      Kimbox xxx

    8. Massive Harry Potter fan here!

    9. <3 gilmore girls. i was super bummed when it got cancelled. :(


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